Two brown bags sitting next to each other on a counter

A counterfeit product is a fake or imitation item made with the aim of appearing authentic. Such items are often of inferior quality, and can bear the Strathberry logo and design details, which are registered trademarks.

These items are not approved by us but we are committed to protecting you from counterfeit goods being sold as authentic Strathberry products. We do not tolerate counterfeiting and will actively take legal action against infringers.

The safest way to purchase authentic Strathberry products is through We also work with a select number of authorised retail partners, please contact to find retail partner information.

When shopping online for Strathberry products you should be vigilant of websites claiming to have Strathberry goods available. They claim to sell discounted goods, often using the Strathberry logo, and intentionally try to deceive you into buying inferior products.

Auction sites can also be a common outlet for counterfeiters to sell fake items. Some private individuals are selling authentic products, but it is always worth checking the seller history and user feedback to see if it is a genuine sale. At Strathberry, we want you to shop safely and enjoy the experience, but it is always worth bearing in mind that when shopping with unauthorised retail partners, there is a risk of:

  • Receiving inferior and counterfeit goods
  • Paying for items that you never receive
  • Border Agencies seizing and destroying your goods
  • Receiving items that do not match the description advertised
  • Long delays or problems with the seller
  • Poor after sales service
  • Fraudulent use of your credit or debit card
  • Identity theft

Authorised Channels

Authentic Strathberry products are sold by Strathberry stores listed here and online at,,, or at authorised department stores listed here.

European law states that all traders who sell online must provide a postal address. Our postal address is Strathberry Limited, 34 Melville St, Edinburgh EH3 7HA, United Kingdom.

As Strathberry customers, if you encounter any information that could potentially assist our investigations into stopping counterfeiters, please do not hesitate to contact us at

If you do have any further queries or require our assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at We are here to help and are grateful for any information that may lead to the reduction of counterfeit goods.

May we help?